Homebound Instruction

  • Homebound and Pregnant and Parenting Students

    Students who are excused due to illness or other urgent reasons may be provided with homebound instruction.  Becoming pregnant or being a parent does not, in itself, necessitate that a student receive homebound instruction.  Certification of a physician is required for any student, including pregnant or parenting students, who are requesting homebound instruction because of an illness or other urgent reasons.

    Pursuant to federal law, every citizen of the United States is to receive equal education opportunities.  With regard to the citizens of Pennsylvania, all persons residing in the Commonwealth between the ages of six and twenty-one are entitled to a free and full education in its public schools, and may not be excluded from the public schools nor from extracurricular activities because of being married or pregnant.

    To maintain the educational opportunities of pregnant or parenting students, programs may be designed to meet the special scheduling and curriculum needs of such students.

Suggested Attendance Guidelines for a Pregnant/Parenting Student

  • Pregnancy

  • After the Six-Week Post-Partum Period

  • Homebound Services

  • Terms for Home Study Students

  • Home Study Students' Protocols