Reporting Student Progress

  • The Board recognizes its responsibilities to keep parents informed of student welfare and progress in school. It also recognizes the effects of the State Board Regulations and Federal Regulations governing school records. The Board directs the establishment of a system of reporting student progress.

Reporting Progress Policies

  • Elementary Level

  • Secondary Level

  • Warning Notices/Interim Progress Reports

  • ELL Students

  • Students with IEPs

Promotion Retention Policy

  • The Board recognizes that the emotional, social, physical, and educational growth of students will vary and that students should be placed in the educational setting most appropriate to their needs at the various stages of their growth. It is the policy of the Board that each student shall be moved forward in a continuous pattern of achievement and growth that corresponds with his/her own development and the academic standards established for each grade and core subject.  

  • Guidelines for ALL STUDENTS in danger of failing the 1st or 2nd marking period

  • Guidelines for the promotion/retention of kindergarten students

  • Guidelines for the promotion/retention of students in grades 1 through 8

  • Guidelines for the promotion/retention of students in grades 9 through 12

  • Guidelines for the promotion/retention of students with IEPs

  • Guidelines for the promotion/retention of English Language Learners (ELL) students