Thomas Buonocore's Classroom

  • There are Town Hall meeting for 9th graders every Monday, Tuesday, & Fridays from  8:30am-9am.

    Send me an Email:

    How to access Zoom:

    1) Click the link.

    2) Follow the prompt asking if you want to enter


    Instructions for entering google classroom:

    1) Open

    2) On the top right, there is a circle showing who is signed in. To access google classroom, the student must be signed in. This should be the default if using a school device. If you are using a personal device, you probably need to click 'Add Account' and enter the student email and password

    3) Once the student is signed in, click the 9 boxes next to the same circle and select 'Classroom' or simply type in into the search bar

    4) Make sure to accept all of the classroom invitations

    5) Send me an email at with your child's name so I can also add your email to google classroom.

    If any parent/guardians wants to be added to my classes' google classroom, please send me an email at

    Please make sure include your student's name, your relationship, as well as make sure it is the email you want alerts sent to.



    Welcome to Mr. B's Teacher Website!


    My name is Mr. Buonocore and welcome to both Chester High School and the 2020-2021 school year!  This is my 7th year teaching Algebra I here at Chester High School. As you know, Chester Upland School district will be holding all its classes remotely through the calendar year. Fortunately, the 9th grade academy is uniquely prepared for such an event as we have used online learning platforms for years. Algebra I and English 9 use a program known as Gradpoint, Ms. Odom has relied on google classroom, Dr. Johnson uses an online textbook, and Math Skills and Support employs an online program known as Math 180. Through active lessons during class time and utilizing these learning tools, our ninth graders continue to have the opportunity to improve their skill set by at least one grade level this year. It is up to all of us, teachers, students, and parents to propel all of us forward during these unprecedented times. I look forward to embarking on this journey with all of you.


    While working on Gradpoint, students will be provided with lessons and guided practice by the program. Students should take their time during these lessons. Students will then take a quiz on that topic in which they need to score a 70% or high to proceed. In addition to the lessons on Gradpoint, I have included resources for the students on the left of this page. Under most topics, I will include videos explaining the topics, which you may find easier to follow. Log in information for Gradpoint is located in an announcement in the Algebra page.