Online Learning Strategies for Students

  • Strategies for Students to Increase Success during Online Learning

    1. Establish a clear and consistent routine

    -Create a daily schedule

    -Discuss the day’s expectations with a parent/guardian-schoolwork, chores, appointments, etc.

                -Build in short breaks throughout your day

                -Provide time for exercise and movement throughout the day.

                -Stay on a consistent sleep schedule.

                -Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.

    -Create an environment ideal for work completion

                -Choose a quiet area to work with minimal distractions

                -Turn off the TV, mute your cell phone, limit your screen time

                -Create visual reminders (lists, post it notes, etc.) of work to complete.

    -Try to self-motivate by using “If, Then” statements. Example- “If I finish my math assignment, then I can play on the Xbox.” Always try to complete nonpreferred tasks before starting preferred tasks.

    -Consider use of a timer. Example-“If I work for 30 minutes straight, then I can use my phone.”

    -When doing schoolwork, start with easier tasks to build momentum and confidence and decrease anxiety.

    -Break larger assignments into smaller tasks. Give yourself short breaks between tasks.

    -Communicate with teachers when you have questions. Write down your questions or comments so you don’t forget.


    1. Provide yourself with emotional support and self-care

    -Don’t be too hard on yourself. This is a stressful time and not an ideal learning situation.

    -Calmly communicate your frustrations and emotions during this difficult time. Talk to friends and family. Chances are, they feel the same way you do.

    -If you are feeling angry, try the following calming strategy:

                -Acting without Reacting-When angry, pause before responding to conflict or stressful disagreements with others. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Walk away from the disagreement, find a quiet place to be alone, try some relaxation strategies (deep breathing, counting, etc.). After five minutes, come back to the disagreement and try to communicate calmly.

    -If you are feeling anxious or frustrated, try the following calming strategy:

                -5-4-3-2-1-When anxious, stop what you are doing and try the following:
                        *Name 5 things you see
                        *Name 4 things you hear
                        *Name 3 things you can touch
                        *Name 2 things you smell
                        *Name 1 thing you taste

    Doing this exercise helps ground you and bring you back to the present. When anxious, we tend to focus on something stressful from the past or worry about something that may happen in the future. 5-4-3-2-1 helps to keep you in the present.     

    -If you successfully use a calming strategy, acknowledge yourself for maintaining self-control and making a mature choice.

    -Engage in self-care to be at your best for you and your family/friends.


    1. Reward yourself for your hard work

    -Monitor your assignments and grades.

    -Create your own reward system. Allow yourself a special treat, snack, video game, etc. after completing your work. Only allow yourself to have those special things after the work is done.

    Examples- “After I finish my work for the day, I can eat the candy bar I have been saving.”

     “I can only use TikTok after my work is done.” “If I get an A on an assignment, I will buy myself something nice.”