Mrs. Kowalek's Classroom

  • Hello Everyone, 

    My name is Josephine Kowalek and I have been a teacher for 22 years in the Chester Upland School District. I attended Widener University and earned a BA in Education certified to teach Spanish K-12 grade. I then continued my education and became certified in Elementary Education and earned a Masters in Education. As a teacher of EL students, I continued my education and earned an EL certification. I enjoy reading many kinds of topics, spending time with family, gardening and cooking new recipes. Most of all I enjoy teaching my EL students. Teaching students whose native language isn't English is a privilege and a challenge at the same time. As a teacher of EL students there is no greater reward to see our EL students become more proficient in English and acquire the fundamental literacy skills to communicate in English.

    If you have questions, please contact me via email or during Zoom hours. 

    My zoom hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.  

    Contact Info:


Accessing Google Classroom

  • Bilingual aides for zoom are Ms. Gomez and Ms. Rios.

    Google log in directions for google classroom are below. Directions for google classroom are in Spanish and available on Ms. Gomez web page.

    1. Log in to Google Using YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNT

    2. Click on the "waffle" menu at top right of screen.

    3. Click on Green Classroom Icon

    4.Click on the plus (+) sign in top right

    5. Click on join class